Fri. Mar 28th, 2025

Four quick eliminations -including Ian Steinman – and the Day 1B $1,100 Ante Up Reno Main Event is down to 15 players as break-time hits.

The final elimination took place as most players were on their way to break, so they are going to be surprised to hear this breaking news …

Bubble play starts when everyone returns, end-of-play is when the field reaches 14. The final 14 players join the 10 from Friday in the Day 2 Final restart Sunday at noon.

When play resumes, action moves to

Dan is the founder of PokerLiveUpdates, a veteran poker tournament reporter who can be found wandering somewhat aimlessly through tournament arenas worldwide. As a founding member of FunTour2.0, he searches for the best in craft beer at all locations in the poker world.

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