Sat. Feb 22nd, 2025

The President of the California Gaming Association today called for all Tribal Casinos to also temporarily close in the 19 counties where Gov. Gavin Newsom ordered an immediate closing of cardrooms and more. A spokesperson for the casinos indicated that is not going to take place.

“We are committed to supporting all efforts to stop the spread of COVID-19 and the recent spike in cases in certain counties. We thus respect and will abide by the Governor’s order,” noted Kyle Kirkland, CGA president. “We are also calling on California’s tribal casinos to do likewise by temporarily closing operations in those same counties. Only if everyone is doing their part will we be able to successfully re-open the economy and our businesses safely.”

James May, with the California Nations Indian Gaming Association, did not offer assurance casinos would be voluntarily closing.

“Tribal governments are taking all appropriate necessary action, as the health and safety of our employees, patrons and tribal members is paramount,” stated May. “California’s tribal governments are working closely with the state and federal governments to ensure the safety of our tribal communities, including our economic development operations.

Gov. Newsom’s order is in response to rising COVID-19 infection rates throughout the state, primarily in the 19 counties highlighted in yesterday’s announcement. The closure affects restaurants serving indoors, all bars and more, along with the closing of all beaches statewide before the upcoming July 4 weekend holiday. 

Kirkland, president for the association representing the 70-plus table-games-only cardrooms in the state, outlined his membership’s cardrooms have followed the state’s guidelines for cleaning and health precautions and is following with the closure guidelines as well.

“California cardrooms prioritize the health and safety of our customers and employees. With recent re-openings we instituted strict protocols with review and approvals from local health officers and state officials,” added Kirkland.

California tribal casinos are not held to state mandates due to compacts where the tribes operate as sovereign nations. A number of tribal casinos in California opened ahead of Gov. Newsom’s earlier reopening guidelines. While Newsom encouraged tribal leaders to follow with the guidelines, many opted to open. A number of tribal casinos did remain closed at that time, and some have yet to open.

There are 69 different tribal casinos in California, generating an estimated $7.8 billion to the California economy (2014 numbers), employing an estimated 63,000 people. The 70-plus cardrooms estimate annually generating $5.6 billion for the state economy, employing some 32,000 people.

Dan is the founder of PokerLiveUpdates, a veteran poker tournament reporter who can be found wandering somewhat aimlessly through tournament arenas worldwide. As a founding member of FunTour2.0, he searches for the best in craft beer at all locations in the poker world.

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