Mon. Mar 3rd, 2025

These are the Guidelines for Holdem Radio’s Chatroom

The goal of having a chatroom here at Holdem Radio is so poker players have a place they can come to 24/7 to talk online about anything poker-related, AND know they have a venue where they are always engaging in civil online discussions.

We ask all chatroom participants treat others in the same manner they wish to be treated. Please conduct yourself in the same manner as if everyone was sitting face-to-face in the same room having a civil conversation.

There are times we use the Holdem Radio chatroom to host conversations on specific topics, and we also use this chatroom as a palce where people can ask quetions during our live broadcasts. During these times, we ask participants to keep their comments on the specific topic, so the chat can be as clean as possible for everyone to follow along and be active participants in.

We do not moderate individual comments, rather we rely on the participants to self-police themselves by behaving respectfully. We will, however, address issues members bring to us if one or more persons in the chatroom are disrupting conversations in a variety of ways.

Please refrain from name calling, personal attacks, hate speech and offensive/obscene comments. Persons engaging in such a manner are subject to having their accounts suspended or terminated by Holdem Radio personnel.

Persons with any questions about the guidelines or who wish to file a complaint about a specific user can email us at

Dan is the founder of PokerLiveUpdates, a veteran poker tournament reporter who can be found wandering somewhat aimlessly through tournament arenas worldwide. As a founding member of FunTour2.0, he searches for the best in craft beer at all locations in the poker world.

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