Fri. Mar 28th, 2025

From the first Tweet back on Sept. 28 , members of the poker community who use Twitter as their primary form of social media communication have been devouring the allegations of cheating, and subsequent videos, podcasts and more involving Mike Postle and his play on various Stones Live streams.

Many people tweeted, texted and called, asking me to weigh in on my background on all of this. While I know many of the people mentioned, my knowledge of it is much the same as those in the Twitterati who are following along.

I know Mike Postle, Veronica Brill, many of the players on a variety of the streams in question and staff at the poker room, mostly from interactions in poker tournaments I’ve covered both in northern California and nationwide. While the volume of information shown in videos and subsequently discussed on podcasts, Internet forums and on social media is immense, the first I heard of any of this was reading the initial Tweet from Veronica. No person had come to me mentioning any allegations before the first tweet-allegation was posted.

I’ve spent decades working in newsrooms up and down the West Coast. If this was a story brought in to one of my newsrooms, I’d be required to hand the story off to another reporter or editor and not be allowed to review any of it until each story was published. I know many involved, therefore my participation in any reporting would not be permitted to avoid any inference of bias. This is why I am not doing any first-person reporting, rather I am following the process as others are also doing, and forwarding along to the public any additional well-sourced reporting that comes out on the subject.

Below are some of the articles that have been posted to date, highlighted by the work of distinguished poker writer and editor Haley Hintze.

Dan is the founder of PokerLiveUpdates, a veteran poker tournament reporter who can be found wandering somewhat aimlessly through tournament arenas worldwide. As a founding member of FunTour2.0, he searches for the best in craft beer at all locations in the poker world.

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