Sun. Feb 23rd, 2025

All-in, All-in, all-in echoes from Table 2, three players getting their 25BB-or-smaller stacks in the middle.

  • Shawn Daniels has Jacks as the shortest stack
  • Rudy Wasstin has Ace-Ten as the middle stack
  • Craig DiSalvo has Kings and barely has the other two covered.

Off to the flop they go

That’s a King in teh window, and guess what follows it?

Another King, DiSalvo flops quads, the table erupts, the room erupts, and two players are eliminated on the same hand.

Daniels takes 21st, Wasstin 20th, both earning $2,142. Josh morrow is eliminated at Table 1 on the next hand, cashing for $2,142 as well in 19th.

Dan is the founder of PokerLiveUpdates, a veteran poker tournament reporter who can be found wandering somewhat aimlessly through tournament arenas worldwide. As a founding member of FunTour2.0, he searches for the best in craft beer at all locations in the poker world.

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