Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

LEVEL – 11          ANTES – 100            BLINDS – 500/1K        REMAINING – 40/91

Brian Horgan hit quads.  In the Main Event.  And got paid off.

A player shoves all in on the cutoff for 4,800.  Horgan is on the button and tanks before eventually calling.  Action folds around and the two are heads up all in.

Board: Jh As Qh Jc Js

Horgan: Jd 9d

Opponent: Ah 3h

Horgan busts his opponent and is now sitting with 98,000 in chips.  With this bust out, the tournament condenses down to four tables.

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poker tournament reporter who provides live updates reporting for Hold'em Media from a variety of tours and locations

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