Sun. Feb 23rd, 2025

Here are the details on the 2015 Gold VIP Holdem Radio Leaderboard Challenge:


Gold and Platinum VIP Members in good standing play in weekly VIP Freerolls on Poker Stars Home Games. Top finishers from each month of VIP Freerolls advance to a 36-player Tournament of Champions freeroll in January 2016.


Gold and Platinum VIP Members in good standing compete in weekly VIP Freerolls every Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday in 2015, barring holidays. Bonus VIP Freerolls are offered the first and fourth Thursdays, barring holidays or conflicts with other scheduled Freerolls. Any time a month contains a fifth Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday, an additional VIP Freeroll shall take place.


Gold and Platinum VIP members in good standing are eligible to participate in the weekly VIP Freerolls. Points are awarded to the top 20 percent of all finishers in each VIP Freeroll (VIP Points schedule can be found here). At the end of each month, the top four in overall points receive automatic bids to the 36-player Tournament of Champions freereoll to be held in January 2016. Members who qualify more tha once for the Tournament of CHampions freeroll receive Holdem Radio ( or other poker-based business) merchandise for their multiple qualifiers. Each ‘additional seat’ then becomes part of a Last Chance freeroll held early in January 2016. The number of Tournament of CHampions freeroll seats available in the Last Chance freeroll shall be equal to the number of mutiple qualifiers throughout 2015. Members who finish any month in the top 20 of the Leaderboard without winning a Tournament of CHampions freeroll seat shall earn a spot in the Last Chance freeroll.


No VIP Freeroll has any cash value.


All Gold and Plaitinum VIP Members shall be current on their membership dues to be considered in Good Standing in order to compete in any Freeroll. Platinum members have the option of monthly or quarterly payment on their membership dues, while Gold members have the option of yearly or 6-month memberships. Any Platinum member who is two monthly payments behind or one qurterly payment behind shall have their membership suspended and shall forfeit the ability to play any Freeroll until their membership is in good standing, while any Gold member more than 30 days overdue on a renewal faces thesame suspensions. All Platinum members who take the monthly or quarterly payment option do so with the committment of completing a full membership payment, whether they compete in any or all Freerolls, as the Freerolls are only one part of a Platinum VIP Membership.

These Conditions have been updated on 28 December 2014. Contact with any questions.

Dan is the founder of PokerLiveUpdates, a veteran poker tournament reporter who can be found wandering somewhat aimlessly through tournament arenas worldwide. As a founding member of FunTour2.0, he searches for the best in craft beer at all locations in the poker world.

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