Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

LEVEL – 18          ANTE – 2K          BLINDS – 8K/16K


After sucking out against opponent Damion Underwood for two-thirds of the chips in play, C. Logan McKechnie deals the final blow moments later to take the win.

McKechnie limps in from the small blind and Underwood checks his option.

The flop comes 3d Qd 10c.  Underwood checks, McKechnie bets 30,000 and Underwood snap shoves all-in.  McKechnie makes the call.

Turn: Qc

River: 2c

McKechnie: Qh 8c

Underwood: 10d 3s

McKechnie sucks out yet again, but this time it is for the big win.  He takes home $2,618 in prize money in addition to numerous bounties.

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