Sat. Feb 22nd, 2025
11/12/2019Turlock PokerChampionship
Event 7$115 NLH$50 Bounties
Prize Pool
Places Paid
1stPradip Singh$1,123
2ndDavid Van Epps$1,123
3rdJimmy Alvarez$621
4thCris Dingle$460
5thStephen Herrera$345
6thRichard Patterson$276
7thLeslie Hartman$230
8thShayne Heine$184
9thEd Pugh$138
10thGeorge Sandoval$100
11thEfrain Ayala$100
12thPha Xiong$100
13thAndrew Villegas$100
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Ryan is one of the original PokerLiveUpdates team members, a veteran poker tournament reporter who provides live updates reporting from the World Poker Tour, along with other tours and locations. He developed the FunTour2.0 concept of providing tremendous tournament coverage while exploring the world's best craft beer venues.

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