Sun. Feb 23rd, 2025
11/11/2019Turlock PokerChampionshipSeries
Event 6$40 All in or Fold$10 Bounties
$2,310Prize Pool
12Places Paid
1stFrank Coelho$651105
2ndJohn Titus$45589
3rdAaron Stocking$29374
4thKen Kajioka$21763
5thLeslie Hartman$16353
6thOwen Martell$13047
7thDavid Covarrubias$10842
8thJames Quintana$8737
9thDavid Van Epps$6532
10thMills Badal$4727
11thJeremy Gates$4722
12thSue Batey$4722
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Ryan is one of the original PokerLiveUpdates team members, a veteran poker tournament reporter who provides live updates reporting from the World Poker Tour, along with other tours and locations. He developed the FunTour2.0 concept of providing tremendous tournament coverage while exploring the world's best craft beer venues.

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