Fri. Mar 28th, 2025

Live updates from the Main Event of the $100,000 guaranteed Poker NV Challenge, May 16-18 at the Peppermill Resort Spa Casino, in Reno, NV.

Sunday, May 18, Day 2

115 am – The flop is 46Qhhh, Michael Cooper leads out for 125k, Martin Kampmann calls. The Kh turn gets a 200k bet from Michael, a 3-bet to 400k from Martin and a call from Michael. The Qd gets Martin to hesitate, then check, and Michael moves all-in, representing the nut flush. Martin, however, DOES have the nut flush and wins the Poker NV Challenge Main Event for $52,740. Michael takes second for $30,640.

1255 am – Roy Armstrong is all in with 88, called by the AK of Michael Cooper, there is an A on the flop and Roy is out in 3rd place, earning $19,470. We are now heads-up with Michael Cooper having 900k and Martin Kampmann having 2.8m

1245 am – Ed Miller is all-in with J9 and Martin Kampmann calls showing AQ, the board went AQ and Ed is out in 4th for $13,790.

1245 am – Back from break, blinds are 12k/24k/4k ante.

1230 am – Time for a 15-minute break. Jason Somerville is talking with Martin Kampmann, giving him play and chop-pointers as the other three escape for a while.

1218 am – next hand Ed Miller is all-in from BB with K7, Martin Kampmann calls with 67. The river is a 7 and Ed’s bigger kicker gets him up to 125k

1215 am – Ed MIller calls the all-in of Roy Armstrong, Ed has A8, Roy has KJ and the flop is 8TJ, 7 turn, K river and Roy doubles through Ed, moving to 410k, Ed is crippled, left with fewer than 3 BB.

1205 am – Tony Le moves all-in from the button for his last 140k, Martin Kampmann calls from the BB, tabling A9 and Tony shows At. There is a 9 on the turn and Tony is eliminated in 5th palce, cashing for $10,640. Martin to 2.3m

Midnight – estimated chipcounts based on 3.7m in play. Kampmann 2.1m; Cooper 800k; Armstrong 280k;  MIller 250k; Le 240k

1150 pm – Ian Remmel moves all-in and Martin Kampmann makes the call. Remmel shows AJ and once again the UFC fighter has KK. The board runs out T high and Ian is out in 6th palce, earning an $8k payday. Martin is up to more than 1.75m

1145 pm – Michael Cooper raises to 53k and Frank Addamo moves all in from the BB for about 125k. Cooper calls with AK and Frank shows 33. There is a K in the window and Frank Addamo leaves in 7th place, cashing for $6,300.

1130 pm – Tony Chang is all in for his last 53000, called by Michael Cooper, but Martin Kampmann minraises and Cooper goes ahead to call and create about a 100k sidepot. The flop is Kx3s6s, and Coop quickly checks, only to see Martin bet out 115k. Cooper talks to himself a bit and then folks, glad he folded when eh sees Martin turn over KK, and just to add to it, there is a K on the turn for quads, causing the UFC fighter’s rail to erupt in cheers. Tony .. he had 84o and leaves in 8th place, getting $4,660.

1125 pm – Martin Kampmann raises to 35k and Ed Miller calls from the button. The flop comes Ac9xQc and Martin waits a moment before betting out 50k. Ed doesn’t hesitate to makes it 120k and slide the betstack right at the UFC fighter. This causes Martin to lock in on Ed, pause about 30 seconds and announce ‘all-in.” Ed shakes his head asks Martin if he had AK, gets no response, and Ed mucks.

1055 pm – Dina Brown moves all in for 93,000 and it folds around to Ian Remmel in the big blind, who snap calls with AQ. Dina turns over TJ. The board goes AQxx giving Dina a gutshot broadway draw but she does not get there, leaving the tourney in 9th place for $3,320. Ian moves to about 300k.

1050 pm – From chipleader to a short-ish 260k stack in two hands as Tony Le runs QQ ans AQ into the AA of Martin Kampmann and Frank Addamo, losing both hands.

1045 pm – Martin Kampmann 3-bets Tony Le to 175,000, and after a short tank, Tony 4-bets all-in only for Martin to snap call with AA. Tony has QQ and will not improve as Martin takes down a 1.416 million pot, now having 39 percent of all the chips in play 9-handed. Tony goes to about 440k

Payouts for the final table

Place Cash
1. $52,740
2. $30,640
3. $19,570
4. $13,790
5. $10,640
6. $8,090
7. $6,300
8. $4,680
9. $3,320

1030 pm – We are back from break, 9-handed, blinds are 6000/12000/2000 ante.

1020 pm – Players are on a 15-minute break, so here’s pretty damned close to accurate chipcounts

Name chipcount
1. Ian Remmel 232,000
2. Tony Le 938,000
3. Tony Chang 183,000
4. Michael Cooper 479,000
5. Dina Brown 97,000
6. Martin Kampmann 740,000
7. Roy Armstrong 330,000
8. Ed  Miller 584,000
9. Frank Addamo 130,000

1010 pm – AA for Tony Chang, QT for Ed Miller on a QQ34 board and Ed doubles up through Tony C, with Tony down to 175k

1005 pm – JJ for Michael Cooper > AK of James SacTownSarge Green, Sarge out in 10th. Ed MIller was going to call with AT but Coop moved in first, the board had two Tens and Ed would have KO’ed two players.

10 pm – we are at the 1-handed final table and here are the seat assignments

1. Ian Remmel

2. James SactownSarge Green

3. Tony Le the BIG chipleader

4. Tony Chang

5. Michael Cooper

6. Dina Brown

7. Martin Kampmann

8. Roy Armstrong

9. Ed Miller

10. Frank Addamo

945 pm – Dan O’Brien flops a set of nines, only to run into the flopped nut flush of Tony Le and Dan is out in 12th place for $2,640, moving Tony to a BIG chiplead now. On the very next hand Tony picks up AA and knocks out Jeff Newman. We’ll go 10-handed and Tony is the dominant stack now in the event.

945 pm – He is registered in the tourney as Martin Frederiksen, but you may know him as UFC fighter Martin Kampmann, look him up of Twitter @martinkampmann and tell me if that profile pic wouldn’t be JUST a bit intimidating.

930 pm – Shawn Daniels, one-time 2nd in chips with more than 400k, started running the wrong way for about 90 minutes, eventually running QJ into AQ and his night ends in 13th place .. I think Shawn said QJ v AQ, I was screened from the table. Via Twitter, Shawn says he was not able to scoop a single pot after dinner break.

920 pm – down to 13 players, as Richard Handley ran QJ into 45 on a 23Q6 board, he was out 2 hands later, He cashes for $2,210.

9 pm – 14 players remain, they have colored up and removed the 500-chip from play. Added is an orange 25k chip, to go along with the orange 5k chip, but fortunately the 25k chip has a striped edge so color-blind Dan here with Holdem Radio Live Updates can still try to estimate chipcounts.

Some updated verrrrry-estimated chipcounts include Tony Le at 400k; Ed Miller with 300,000; Shawn Daniels at 260k; Dina Brown at 245k; Ian Remmel at 400k; Dan O’Brien with 250k; Sactown Sarge Glenn 275k

847 pm – Michael Cooper 3-bets Sarge Green all in and Sarge calls off his stack with KJ while Coop turns over AK. The flop is AQx, the T however comes on the river to give Sarge broadway, causing Coop to slam his fist down on the table in frustration and walk away quickly.

845 pm – Frank Addamo is all in with 22, called by Michael Cooper with TT. There is a 2 in the window and a huge yell from Frank, only for there to be a T on the turn for set over set and Frank is out in 15th place for $2,210.

840 pm – Sean Burson is all in with AT and called by the AQ of Ed Miller. The board goes AQxxx and Sean is out in 16th place, cashing for $1,960.

820 pm – Dan O’Brien 3-bets all-in and Richard Hanley calls. O’Brien turns over KK and Hanley shows A9, there is a K in the window and O’Brien doubles to more than 140k, ok a LOT more than 140k, he’s up to 230k.

815 pm – I was in process of moving the Live Updates booth so we could see both tables, had my back to the Feature Table and missed Ken Yeung going out in 17th place, collecting $1,960.

805 pm – Dina Brown, a onetime chipleader, moves all-in for her last 77,500 and James Sactownsarge Grenn goes over the top all in. Brown shows AT and Sarge shows AK. The board runs out 8J2QK for broadway and a double-up for Brown. Sarge drops to 70k.

8 pm – After a minraise by Sean Burson to 20k and a call by Frank Addamo, Dan O’Brien moves all in for his last 72,500. Burson gets out of the way, and after a 90-second decision, Addamo calls, tabing KQo, and O’Brien .. shows the same. A rainbow flop and we’ll chop this one up.

745 pm – Seats and chipcounts final two tables Poker NV Challenge Main Event

Table 1 Chips
1. Jeff Newman 186,000
2. Ed Miller 94,000
3. Dan O’Brien 92,000
4. Tony Chang 204,000
5. Tony Le 559,000
6. Sean Burson 144,000
7. Frank Addamo 216,000
8. Richard Hanley 295,000
9. Ken Yeung 110,000
Table 2
1. Fred Womack 155,000
2. Martin Kampmann 110,000
3. Roy Armstrong 247,000
4. Dina Brown 110,000
5. Shawn Daniels 435,000
6. Michael Cooper 180,000
7. James Sarge Green 135,000
8. Ian Remmel 359,000

7 pm – We go to the hour-long dinner break with 17 players remaining, we’ll have official chipcounts when we get back after the hour-long break.

645 pm – At the Feature Table is Ed Miller (158k) Dan O’Brien (66k) Sean Burson (160k) Dick Handley (300k) and your chipleader with 580k, I don’t have his name … yet. At the secondary table is Dina Brown (100k) Shawn Daniels (300k), Michael Cooper, SactownSarge Glenn and Ian Remmel (280k) among others with 17 overall remaining.

640 pm – The clock is stopped with 9 minutes left before dinner break, as both Dustin Fox and Shawn Van Asdale busted on the bubble, with Dustin going out in 19th, and not cashing while Shawn min-cashes for $1,960.

635 pm – The money bubble bursts as Dustin Fox has gone out, but Shawn Van Asdale is also all-in and now trying to determine who gets 19th and who gets 18th pale with teh two players busting simultaneously.

630 pm – Dina Brown calls another all-in. this one a push on the money bubble by Michael Cooper. Coop has 22 and Dina has KQ, and the ducks hold, dropping the one-time chipleader Brown down to around 100,000 in chips, and Coop gets up to around 180k.

615 pm – Ian Remmell doubles through Dina Brown, moving to more than 300,000 in chips when his QQ holds against the big stack’s A7. We are down to 19 players, one from the money, putting us hand-for-hand.

545 pm – Congrats to Iva Yoshihara who takes down the Womens Best All Around title here, finishing at least 6th overall and she is in the $110 rebuy even so she can move up as high as 4th overall. She earns a gold Peppermill Reno watch and at least $1,000, as much as $1,700 for her win.

530 pm – Here are the payouts for the top-10 in the BestAllAround challenge. Who takes the top-10 is not decided until today’s $110 Hold’em tourney running right now, and it is 3 players from the points given to the top-20 players.

Place Cash
1. $5,515
2. $3,000
3. $2,200
4. $1,700
5. $1,200
6. $,1000
7. $700
8. $600
9. $500
10. $400

5 pm – Down to 27 players, we are redrawing for the final three players. We’ll see who moves to the HoldemRadio Feature Table, Secondary Table, and Side Table.

435 pm – Some of the chipcounts … Shawn Daniels 280k; Dustin Fox 260k; Dina Brown 200k; Shawn Van Asdale 180k; James Sarge Glenn 150k; Sean Burson 132k; Ed MIller 130k; Dan O’Brien 108k;

415 – Second break of the day, some semi-unofficial chipcounts when we come back.

345 pm – very unofficial chipcounts … Shawn Daniels 250k; Dustin Fox 200k; Dina Brown 185k; Sean Burson 160k; Shawn Van Asdale 160k; Dan O’Brien 145k; Ed Miller 105k; James Sarge Glenn 100k; Dylan Hale 92k; Glen Uchibori 80k; Jed Hoffman 70k; Bill Watchman 52k. 30 players left, blinds 2000/4000/500 ante.

320 pm – coloring up the black 100 chips, we are now at 2000/4000/500 ante

3 pm – Richard Henley is all-in with J7 and Hank Czarnecki has called with AK. The board runs out 743TQ and Richard manages to get away with a 24x preflop shove that Hank snapped off but came out on the wrong end of.

245 pm – A shoutout to Jessica Fox, wife of Dustin Fox. Jessica is following the updates and Dustin has added about 100,000 to his start-of-day stack of 150k.

230 pm – The updates BestAllAround Challenge leaderboard is available here.

205 pm – On the first break of teh day, 35 players remian, pays 18, coming back to blinds of 1500/3000/400 ante

2 pm – Shawn Daniels calls a short-stack’s all-in, Shawn has A8, the short stack has QT and there is an 8 on the flop. Shawn is to 340,000.

145 pm – Ed Miller calls a short-stack’s all-in with KQ and there is a Q on the turn, Ed gets up to about 200,000 in chips.

130 pm – $52,740 up top, $30,640 to 2nd, $19,570 for third.

1 pm – On a board of JJ4, one player tosses out a HUGE bet of 110k, sending Shawn Daniels into the tank. Shawn decides to make the call with AA and the other player shows TT and Shawn holds, chipping up to about 300,000 in chips.

1230 pm – we lost 4 players in teh first 30 minutes, but nobody was really chipping up, we’ll get updates throughout teh day and we’ll be live on air throughout teh day, night and day.

Noon – Kicking off with 49 players, and Ed Miller as your overall chipleader. Check out below for the full seat assignments and table draws for all the players. We are live on air at throughout the day, all the way to bringing you the entire final tiable live.

Seat Assignments for Day 1B Poker NV Challenge, restart Noon Sunday, May 18

Table 1 Name Chipcount Table 4 Name Chipcount
1 Evan Harris 30,400 1 George Geros 49,600
2 Ed Miller 164,500 2 Sarge Glenn 109,800
3 open 3 Clint MacLean 87,400
4 Hyong Pak 8,100 4 Kevin Ostenberg 36,700
5 Shawn Daniels 158.800 5 William Gitmed 32,500
6 Bobby Ngu 93,400 6 Keith Finkelstein 46,800
7 Ken Yeung 62,400 7 Tony Le 161,200
8 Ian Remmel 127,200 8 Jed Hoffman 62,000
9 Jim McCrink 113,100 9 Gregory Naaden 35,000
Table 2 Name Chipcount Table 5 Name Chipcount
1 open 1 Roy Peters 41,600
2 Sean Burson 99,000 2 Dylan Hale 36,600
3 Jim Andlovee 51,400 3 open
4 Mark Beuerle 23,500 4 Hank Czarnecki 69,200
5 Steven Friedlander 45,500 5 Vernon Freiberg 19,100
6 Shawn Van Asdale 78,000 6 David Friesen 74,900
7 Evan Maurer 71,500 7 Dustin Fox 148,200
8 Roy Armstrong 135,300 8 Tony Cheng 147,300
9 Stuart Spear 41,300 9 Glen Uchibori 40,200
Table 3 Name Chipcount Table 6 Name Chipcount
1 Daniel Hernandez 28,400 1 Cooper Hayward 74,100
2 Martin Kampmann 106,200 2 Rob Fitzgerald 33,400
3 mary Swafford 38,800 3 Fred Womack 43,200
4 open 4 Michael Hervey 164,500
5 Frank Addamo 104,200 5 Dina Brown 161,500
6 Bill Watchman 52,100 6 Dan O’Brien 71,700
7 Richard Henley 42,200 7 Violeta McCrink 81,200
8 Michael Cooper 80,400 8 Jeff Newman 64,200
9 Michael Carpenter 66,600 9 open

Saturday, May 17

That’s a wrap, now posting seat assignments for tomorrow, check back in 5 minutes.

1145 pm – 6 more hands until time to bag chips at the end of the night, there are 31 players remaining.

1130 pm – Dan O’Brien is on a chip-gathering mission, up to about 65,000 now, and there are three BIG stacks at his table .. Let’s see how many chips the Ultimate Poker Pro can gather up in the final 30 minutes tonight.

11 pm – we were juuuust a few moments too late. We arrived at the table just in time to see Jason Somerville show AK as the rest of his chips were sliding two plaes to his left, Somerville is out in 36th on Day 1B. The shortstacked-all-day Dan O’Brien is still grinding away.

1045 pm – We are down to four 9-handed tables and 66 minutes until teh end of the night … 36 players including Jason Somerville, Dan O’Brien, Steve Friedlander, Jed Hoffman, Bill Watchman, Ed ‘NotTheAuthor’ Miller, Billy ‘MoreJewelryThanScotty’ Casey, Shaun Van Asdale.

1030 pm – Jason Somerville leads out for 2k, Ed Miller makes it 5500, Dan O’Brien gets out of teh way in the BB and Somerville calls. The flop comes out 458 and both players check. The turn is a 3, Somerville again leads out, and Miller again 3-bets, and Somerville again calls. A river blank, both players check and Somerville tables top-top As8s, Miller shows AJ and mucks. Somerville takes about a 40k pot.

1015 pm – Erle Mankin, he of the mincash at PokerNightInAmerica here back in December, won our win-a-hat contest by guessing 104 entries in Day 1B, actual total was 111 and I guessed 108 but I can’t win my own hat. TOmorrow’s Win-A-Hat contest .. What time will the Main Event end? 20 advanced from Day 1A, 1-hour levels, probably 30-34 advance tonight, Noon start. Send your guess via Twitter to @HoldemRadio.

10 pm – Mitchell Cogert is out as his set of Jacks run in to a set of Kings … via Twitter

945 pm – via Twitter .. Steve Friedlander knocked out Eric Nelson AQ>AT, right after the two got it all in the previous hand and chopped because AA = AA. Steve is now up to 104k.

930 pm – We’ve hit the last break of the night, just two hour-long levels to go. There are

9 pm – On a board of 3TJ one player bets out to 6k and Billy Casey – who almost makes Scotty Nguyen’s jewelry tastes seem uber-conservative – moves all-in, having the other player easily covered. After a tank of a few moments, floor is called and Billy calls clock on the other player, who used 40 of the 60 seconds before folding. BIlly flashes TJ for top-two.

845 pm – updated supremely-unofficial chipcounts. Ed Miller -114k; Steve Friedlander 81k; Shawn Van Asdale 65k; Jed Hoffman 50k; Jason Somerville 41k; Loren Cloninger 18k; Zak Gilbert 13k; Dan O’Brien 13k; Bill Watchman 14k

815 pm – Steve Friedlander – 6th in the 2010 Aussie Millions for $250,000 AUD – raises from middle position, only to have Eric Nelson make it about 7k and a late-position player calls. Friedlander semi-tanks, then 4-bets to 20k, moving Nelson out of the way. The other player undershoves and turns over TT, with Friendlander tabling AQ and Nelson saying he had AK. The board runs out 8-high and Friedlander slips a bit to 63000.

8 pm – Jason Somerville raises from the cutoff, only to have the button player move all-in for about 8k. Scott Gould – winner of Wednesday’s $330 Hold’em here – makes the call and Somerville gets out of the way. The all-in player flips up 44 and Gould grimaces as he flips his 33 onto the felt. A 3 on the flop, however, adds chips to Gould’s stack and knocks out the other player.

745 pm – The Holdem Radio Feature table includes Mitchell Cogert – 2011 71st-place in the WSOP Main Event for $109,000. The secondary table is loaded, with Jason Somerville, Dan O’Brien and Zak Gilbert.

730 pm – Back from dinner break for the players (media dinner break at 830) and there is a small change in the prize information. There are 185 total entries, maknig the prize pool $170,000 and $52,000-plus up top. Full recalculated numbers posting soon.

630 pm – The 64 remaining players are going on a one-hour dinner break.

Here is the official prize pool for the Main Event of the Poker NV Challenge

Finish Place Cash
1. $52,740
2. $30,640
3. $19,570
4. $13,790
5. $10,640
6. $8,090
7. $6,300
8. $4,680
9. $3,300
10. $2,640
11. $2,640
12. $2,640
13. $2,210
14. $2,210
15. $2,210
16. $1,960
17. $1,960
18 $1,960

535 pm – Just announced $52,000 for first place today, full prize pool coming shortly.

530 pm – Registration has closed for the day with 184 total entries both days combined, 111 entries today and a total prize pool of $169,000. There are 77 players remaining with blinds of 200/400 and a 50 ante.

5 pm – 79 players remaining on Day 1B, there are two in the field with $2.5-milly-plus in career live earnings, Dan O’Brien and Jason Somerville, and they are seated at the same table.

445 pm – Just walked up in time to see a player at Jason Somerville’s table turn over AA on an 56A87 board. Looks good, right? Well, except for the fact Jason showd 48 for the straight and a 13k pot.

415 pm – Second break of the day, the overall field has hit 180, that’s 107 so far today, 75 minutes left in registration and the prize pool has moved to more than $165,000.

4 pm – We just walked past one of the inner tables to see a short-stacked Lance Donnell all-in against 2014 HPT Thunder Valley runner-up Ed Miller on a board of K357. Ed showed K9cc while Lance flipped up bottom two pair. Lance doubled to get back to near starting stack, while Ed slid down to around 45000

340 pm – Steve @Jellyeater Friedlander just took down a huge set-over-set pot agains WPTDeepstacks Turlock champ Stephen Foutty. Steve was a late entrant into the tourney, ran over to check out California Chrome’s win and came back right in time to chip up.

320 pm – There was an unoffical 2:03 delay in the tournament as about 60-percent of the players turned in their seats to watch California Chrome – with major Nevada ties – take down the Preakness Stakes. We now return you to your regularly scheduled $160,000-prize-pool-and-growing poker tournament.

3 pm – As in most multi-day events, the going is pretty slow early on, but there is one thing to talk about .. there are now 100 entrants for today, pushing the overall number to 173. I called today’s over/under at 108 so we are definitely tracking right to that number.

220 pm – Both Jason Somerville and Dan O’Brien from Ultimate Poker have joined the field as the prize pool reaches $150,000.

145 pm – Just walked over to see Jed Hoffman and Ed MIller (NOT the poker author, but he of the 2nd at HPT Thunder Valley for $109k in January) plus one other player in an all-in pot. Jed — the player at risk – was holding his cards face-down and looked ready to toss them into the muck and walk away on a board of JJ8Q4 .. well, no WONDER he was ready to walk away, as Ed Miller turned over JJ for flopped quads .. #QuadsBeGood

130 pm – 91 entries today and rising, 164 total so far, prize pool now 50 percent higher than the guarantee.

1 pm – Registration is now up to 161 overall, 88 for today and 73 for all of Day 1A. Included in today’s field is Mitchell Cogert at the Holdem Radio Feature Table. Mitch won one of the preliminary events here, and in the 2011 WSOP he took 71st in the Main Event for a $108,000 cash.

Others in the field are John Miner, Lance Donnell, BIll Watchman, Jim Martini, Zag Gilbert and Jed Hoffman. Joining teh field soom, representing Ultimate Poker, will be Jason Somerville and Dan O’Brien.

1230 pm – As we said earlier, the $100k guarantee is waaaay in the rear-view mirror. We are at 140 total entrants and this is going to grow quite a bit as registration runs until 530 tonight.

Noon – Welcome to Day 1B of the Poker NV Challenge $100,000 guaranteed Main Event, coming to you from the Peppermill Resort Spa Casino in Reno, NV. Kind of hard to keep calling this a $100,000 guaranteed prize pool, as there were 73 entries yesterday and more than 100 expected for today, blowing well through that guarantee. Another 12 players satellited in late last night, so let’s see what is going to happen as the numbers climb today.

Tony Le ended Day 1A as your overall chipleader with 161k, about 2 blinds ahead of Shawn Daniels and 12k clear of Dustin Fox in third. The official chipcounts for the 20 players who advanced to Day 2 (Noon start on Sunday) are listed right below this update.

Friday, May 16

End of Day 1A official chipcounts

Name Chipcount
1. Tony Le 161,200
2. Shawn Daniels 158,800
3. Dustin Fox 148,200
4. James Serge 109,800
5. Martin Kampmann 106,200
6. Frank Addamo 104,200
7. Sean Burson 99,000
8. David Friesen 74,900
9. Even Maurer 71,500
10. Hank Czarnecki 69,200
11. George Geros 49,600
12. Fred Wemek 43,000
13. Roy Peters 41,600
14. Glen Uchibori 40,200
15. Mary Swafford 38,800
16. Dylen Hole 36,600
17. Gregory Naaden 35,000
18.Rob Fitzgerald 33,400
19. Mark Beuerle 23,500
20. Vernon Freiberg 19,100

1140 pm – 7 more hands and we are bagging chips tonight, there are 21 players left in the field. Check right here for official chipcounts of the remaining players once the count is done. Give me about 30 minutes after end of the night for those numbers.

1115 pm – Jed Hoffman never could get much of anything going today, and just when it looked as though he might … All-in with AK v AQhh … the other player gets there on the river for an 80,000 chip pot and most of Jed’s stack. A few hands later, Jed is all-in as a very short stack, again with AK v AQ. He holds this time but the chips get back in less than an orbit later and he is out in 22nd palce tonight. “See you tomorrow,” he says as he gets ready to leave and buy in tomorrow for Day 1B.

1105 pm – How did Shawn Daniels get up to about 140k in chips? AKdd > JQ dd > TJ on a flop of 982dd.

1050 pm – T-minus one hour and counting until the end of the night here at the Peppermill in Reno. Dustin Fox — with about 150,000 in chips — apears to be chipleader with 22 remaining in Day 1A. Shawn Daniels has moved up to about 145,000. There is one player at 140k, Sean Burson and one other player are both at about 110k, the only stacks that appear to be in 6-figures right now. Hank Czarnecki is slowly climbing, up to about 76,000 now, while Jed Hoffman has been at 35,000 for most of the last three levels. BestAllAround points leader Glen Uchibori is a short stack, with 12,200.

1030 pm – Here’s proof online poker really IS back … at least in Nevada. One player in the final 24 asked his tablemates what happens to his chips at the end of the night … is he supposed to take them back to his room, is there someone to keep them for him, etc … “I only play online,” he almost sheepishly said as he was told about bagging chips at the end of the night. He probably has 100k, so he’ll probably get to experience his first bagging-chips tonight.

1015 pm – After breaking a table, two of the room’s biggest stacks — Dustin Fox and Sean Burson — are sitting side-by-side at table three. I’m semi color-blind but I’d guess each stack is in the 160,000 range. There are 26 players left and 1.46 million total chips in play.

10 pm – With the elimination of Zak Gilbert in 18th place, we are down to three nine-handed tables. Play continues tonight until the end of level 10, or when down to 8 players, whatever comes first … so they’ll be playing 10 hour-long levels tonight, bagging chips at 11:50 pm.

930 pm – Players have gone on their next 15-minute break. Dustin Fox is at about 145,000; Hank Czarnecki around 68,000; Shawn Daniels right at 80,000; Jed Hoffman about 33,000; Adam Bishop at 22,000 and Zak Gilbert at 12,200

915 pm – Another 10 players are going to be in Day 1B of the Main Event, as there are 107 entries in the finbal Mega Satellite. 11th place is going to get $417.

9 pm – estimated chipcounts for some of the remaining 30 players … Shawn Daniels – 108k, Hank Czarnecki – 56k, Dustin Fox 160k, Adam Bishop 13k, Zak Gilbert 12k, Jed Hoffman 35k

845 pm – Shawn Daniels decides to call a shorter stack’s all in, tables KdQd, only to see the other player turn up AA. Well, a Q on the flop and another on the turn and Daniels is up to about 110k .. the other player is off to wonder how his Aces got cracked.

8 pm – The final $110 Mega Satellite into this Main Event is going on now, there is still an hour left in registration and there are 87 entries so far. 73 entries in Day 1A of the Main, seems there may be more than 100 entries tomorrow, including Jason Somerville and Dan O’Brien.

730 pm – Players are back from their dinner break, but the media is still away as we left late.

630 pm – The 43 remaining players have headed out for a one-hour dinner break. We’ll get some very unoffical chipcounts whn players come back.

6 pm – Ivan Holmes, winner of a WSOP Circuit ring at Tahoe in October, is put all-in preflop and makes the call, turning over AK, while the other player shows QQ. A Q in the window was all they needed to see, as the board runs out 96K7 and Ivan’s day is done. He’ll most likely fie again tomorrow.

5:30 p.m. – Registration has closed on Day 1A of the $1100 buy-in Poker NV Challenge Main Event, and we are at 72 entries. Now, I am not saying I am psychic or anything, but I set the over/under for today’s entries at …. 73 ….

One player DID try to rebuy, shoved the last hand before registration with 88, ran into 99, only to see a flop of 288 .. quads be good, no rebuy for him.

4:14 p.m. – Second break of the day, 71 entries to this point, late registration and unlimited re-entries ($100 tourney fee waived for re-entries) until 5:30, looks as though today’s number is going to hit 80. This means the overall prize pool is going to be closer to $200,000 than the original $100,000 guaranteed. I’d not be surprised to see tomorrow’s field push the overall total to close to 200 entrants.

Dinner break is at 630 pm tonight, play for 10 one-hour levels or until 10 percent of the field is left, so just count on play running untli 1 am.

3:45 p.m. – The field has hit 70, another brutal table has formed, with Dustin Fox, Alan Mastic, Sean Burson and Adam Bishop squaring off in the back of the tournament poker room.

3 p.m. – Dustin Fox – runner-up in the 2007 WSOP Circuit Tahoe Main to Chris ‘Jesus Ferguson’ ($119k), is in the big blind with but 475 in chips behind. He puts the rest in and gets two callers. The flop is Ac9c5c, one player bets out and teh other folds. He shows KcQs for teh nut flush draw. Dustin has J3 and does not improve, heading to the rail and most likely another bullet later today or tomorrow for Day 1B.

2:45 p.m. – Our secondary table is loaded, with WSOP Circuit Council Bluffs champ (2 rings this season also) Jed Hoffman in the 1 seat, WSOP Circuit Tahoe ring winner Ivan Holmes in the 2, WPT Thunder Valley 6th place Ken Jorgensen ($60k cash) in the 3 and Dustin Fox in the 5 seat. There are three tough tables right now in this field with 68 players.

–Table 4 has Zak Gilbert, who took down last night’s 5pm event and regularly runs deep in 4-figure buyins in Reno, with WPTDeepStacks Turlock winner Steve Foutty (4-way chop $21k each) , 2013 WSOP MillyMaker’s 54th place Hank Czarnecki and Ed Miller, who was runner up at HPT Thunder Valley earlier this year for $109k.

–Table 9, in the back of the room, has locals Alan Mastic and Roy Peters, with 2013 WSOP Circuit Bike ring winner Adam Bishop

2:30 p.m. – The field size keeps slowly climbing, up to 67 now. Recnet entrats include Zak Gilbert, Ken Jorgensen (FT at WPT Thunder Valley in March) WSOP Circuit Tahoe ring winner Ivan Holmes and Sean Burson (WSOP Circuit ring winner).

2 p.m. – 59 in the field as we go on the first break of the day. Ed Miller is one of the first to re-enter, as he was unlucky with AA, JJ, flush draws and straight draws in the first two levels.

1:30 p.m. – Single-table $120 satellite sign-ups are being taken in the main poker room, and there is a $110 Mega Sattelite at 7pm tonight. More than 60 players have already satellited in. Day 1B kicks off at noon Saturday, with late registration tomrrow also running until 530 pm.

1 p.m.54 already in field today, Jason Somerville and Dan O’Brien with Ultimate Poker stopped by to say he is going to play Day 1B tomorrow, noon start.

12:30 p.m. – Among those already seated for Day 1A are Jed Hoffman (WSOP Circuit Council Bluffs champion, WSOP NatlChamps qualifier) Shawn Daniels (2PairTour Fresno ME Winner), Hank Czarnecki (54th in 2013 WSOP MillyMaker), Steve Foutty (4-way chop WPTDeepStacks Turlock last weekend), Ed Miller (2nd HPT Thunder Valley), Bill Watchman (2013 WSOP Circuit Tahoe ring winner) Adam Bishop (WSOP Circuit Bike 2012 ring winner) Dustin Fox (Atlantis All-in 2012 winner).

Noon – Today is Day 1A of the Main Event, an $1,100 buy-in, $100,000 guarantee, 60-minute levels and 20,000 starting stacks. Late registration and unlimited re-entries until 5:30 p.m. today and tomorrow for Day 1B. Re-entires do not pay the extra $100, so those are in for just $1,000.


Dan is the founder of PokerLiveUpdates, a veteran poker tournament reporter who can be found wandering somewhat aimlessly through tournament arenas worldwide. As a founding member of FunTour2.0, he searches for the best in craft beer at all locations in the poker world.

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