Tue. Mar 4th, 2025

Kulwant Singh defeats Bryan Saltzman heads-up to earn the largest payout in RunGood Poker Series history, taking the $100,070 first-place prize in the $600 main event at Graton Casino in California’s Sonoma County wine country.

Singh built a dominant stack late in Day 2 of the All-Time RunGood record 1,144-entry field when he eliminated two players as his Eights got there in a 3-way all in, his challengers holding Aces and Tens. Second in chips to Saltzman when final-table play began on the elevated stage in Graton’s The Event tournament arena, Singh went on to victory, Saltzman earning $69,115 as runner-up.

The series was the first-ever for Graton’s poker room to host, and turnout all week long went beyond expectations, from 275 entries in the Tuesday morning Seniors event to 469 entries in the two-day Studio Ticket tourney, to all mixed-games having solid turnouts as well.

Singh earns an entry in the 2022 RUnGood ProAm filming live this December in the PokerGO Studio in Las Vegas. Studio Ticket tournament winner DJ Hughes joins Singh as the two ProAm entrants from Graton Poker Room’s series.

Dan is the founder of PokerLiveUpdates, a veteran poker tournament reporter who can be found wandering somewhat aimlessly through tournament arenas worldwide. As a founding member of FunTour2.0, he searches for the best in craft beer at all locations in the poker world.

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