Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

LEVEL – 6          ANTE – 50          BLINDS – 200/400        REMAINING – 33

“Lucky” Logan McKechnie, a local lawyer from Merced, CA, objects to Vincent Chung’s aggression by calling him down and winning the hand.

Both McKechnie and Chung limp in, then face a small blind raise to 1,600.  They both make the call and head to the flop 3-handed.

Flop: 4d 8c 6h

The small blind player and McKechnie check.  Chung bets 2,500 and gets called by McKechnie.  The small blind folds.

Turn: Kh

McKechnie is first to act and checks.  Chung makes a continuation bet of 5,000 and McKechnie makes the call.

River: Qs

Both players check and McKechnie shows first: Jd 8d.  Chung mucks and McKechnie drags in the pot.

McKechnie currently has about 47,500 in chips.

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poker tournament reporter who provides live updates reporting for Hold'em Media from a variety of tours and locations

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