Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

LEVEL – 14          ANTES – 500           BLINDS – 300/600        REMAINING – 13/93

Shayne Heine turns rags into riches when his steal turns into a suckout.

Action folds around to Heine in late position.  He raises to 10,500 and gets shoved on by the big blind for about 25,000.  Heine snap calls and the players are all in heads up.

Board: As 2d 10s Js Kh

Heine: 5s 4s

Opponent: Ah Qd

Heine hits a flush on the turn, busts the other player and now sits with about 75,000 in chips.

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poker tournament reporter who provides live updates reporting for Hold'em Media from a variety of tours and locations

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