Fri. Mar 28th, 2025

Listen in every day from now through July 15 as we come to you live from the Main Event of the 2014 World Series of Poker in Las Vegas.

We kick off each day at Noon PST when cards go in the air and continue to bring you live updates through dinner break at 7pm.

We’ll be talking with players on break, playing interviews we’ve done, let you know how your favorite players are doing and much more.

Jump in to the HoldemRadioChatroom to ask questions of the broadcast team and of the people we are interviewing at that time. We’ve been live from the WSOP since in began more than 6 weeks ago, and we’re here until we have a November Nine.

Dan is the founder of PokerLiveUpdates, a veteran poker tournament reporter who can be found wandering somewhat aimlessly through tournament arenas worldwide. As a founding member of FunTour2.0, he searches for the best in craft beer at all locations in the poker world.

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